
How does a Zorrilla look like

The zorilla is also called the striped polecat.  It is black with white stripes.  It is commonly placed in with the skunk family, but  is actually related to the weasel.  They have a elongated white spot on the forehead between  their eyes and a white patch from above the eye to the ear and backward to make a near  triangle-shaped patch.  The zorilla has stripes from the top of the head to the tail. The tail is either white or white with black hairs, mixed.   The zorilla can grow to about 13-15 inches, excluding tail.  The tail itself is usually 8-12 inches long.  They can weigh from  1.5 – 3 pounds.

A Zorrillas


Where do Zorrillas stay and live

 Zorillas are very patchily distributed, being scarce or absent in most heavily wooded areas.  They are most common in cool, well-grazed upland grasslands in steppe country.  Where they are well established they use habitual paths and appear to know their home range well.

Most of then will be found in the central and southern parts of Africa. Uganda being the prime in particular


The Zorrilla Reproduction

  The zorilla pups are born, blind, naked and immobile after a 37 day gestation.  The eyes are functional at about 40 days.  The  litter size is 1 to 4 pups.  Females mature faster that males.  The pups weigh ½ ounce when their born.  They are weaned at 4 to 5 months of age.  Females are fertile by 9 months. They can be out with their first litter of two to four young before they are 1 years old.  Zorilla lifespan in the wild is unknown, but Zorillas can live up to 13 years in captivity.


How Zorillas behave ?

Many zorilla families have been kept together in captivity, where mutual grooming appears common. Zorillas have been normally seen as solitary foragers.  Though their peaceful cohabitation in captivity suggests they may not have exclusive territories.  However, specialized core areas are likely as adult males are mutually intolerant and  females avoid them except while in estrus.  


What do Zorillas eat?

  Zorillas are carnivorous, and like to eat , local hens ,mice, frogs, bugs and lizards. But during the dry spells they tend to eat cassava and sweet potatoes. If lucky you may find very many Zorillas in a local African village a day crossing roads.
Zorillas have a springy, fast trot but can also stalk and pounce on prey. In captivity, they are usually fed a mixture of ground chicken, including bones, horse meat, a mix with ground cat chow, and vitamins and minerals and water.


All about The Zorrilla Animal